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Released in 2002, Tha Ungod became one of the best selling albums in Underground Horrorcore/Wicked Shit history. The Album was repressed and continues to sell today like it was released yesterday. Tha Ungod put a staple in the underground wicked shit like no other.
Track Listing:
1.Tha Palace of Death
2. Ungod
3. Kill God's People
4. Thou Shall Now f/ Ghetto Devil
5. ConverSatan f/ Insane Poetry
6. Fuck Shit
7. Pray (J.C.C.S.M.D. mix)
8. Dead Messiah f/ BadMind
9. Scarz
10. Evil Mentality
11. Wutcharunninfo?
12. Under Tha FloorBoards
13. Six
14. Acidikrevelationz (Satan's Mix)
15. Religious Bitchez
16. Mass Suicide
17. Hellelujah